Our team has established the systems, knowledge, and experience to understand the variety of complex legal steps needed to successfully retrieve the funds that are owed.

Our clients receive top quality service with years of professional experience in recovering their unclaimed money.

  • Without ever paying any money out of your pocket.
  • Without ever having to appear in court.
  • Without ever providing personal information such as SSN or bank account information.

Typically, our clients have no knowledge that this money exists or that they are owed any funds whatsoever. Government agencies do the bare minimum required to notify these individuals and families that they are owed money, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that most unclaimed funds in the US are never recovered and eventually forfeit to the government – over 90% of an estimated $15 Billion forfeit. Our team makes it clear and understandable right from the start and provides the knowledge to maneuver the wide variety of complexities throughout this process.

We want to make sure that this money is where it belongs – in the hands of families, individuals, or even charities rather than the government.

(404) 726-2675